So today was my first day at Crossfit. I was nervous. I've seen pictures of the (mostly) ladies who go to the 5:15 am class and they are fit and in shape. I wasn't looking forward to being the new girl again.
Everyone was nice. Very friendly and you can tell they all get along really well. So for that, I'm excited.
The WOD? Well, as soon as it was posted to the board I knew I wouldn't be able to do what everyone did.
Run 800 m
Finish with pullups
For 6 minutes
3 rounds
Seeing as how it takes me 14:56 to run a mile I wondered if I'd even get all the laps in. So my goal? Make all the laps and who cares about the pullups.
And I did it. Aaaaaand I didn't come in last. There were two others who got zero pullups on all their rounds too!!!
So I did it. And I will do it again tomorrow. And one day, I'll be one of those fit girls too.
Oh and by the way.... I weighed. I finally let myself go there.
Minus 16. Was pretty happy that day too.
Go. You. And 14:56 is nothing to be embarrassed at about a mile. Girl, you are doing GREAT!