Monday, January 23, 2012

Keep on truckin....

Still going.

My weekend eating is horrendous. We always have so much going on and we are out all day on Saturday it seems. It's so hard when we are always on the go. Eating at home while trying to change your eating habits is so much easier.

Here are two WODs from last week. Both were killer. Killer.

However, last night, in bed Garrett and I were doing some talking about Reese and his horrible behavior lately. He had his arms around me. Then, this morning he did his normal goodbye kiss routine and said 'babe, I'm so proud of you. All the places I used to hold on to aren't there anymore.'

The encouragement is coming just at the right times.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I feel like I'm doing right. I'm working out, watching my diet, feeling pretty good. That is until PCF posted pictures of last nights workout.

My pictures are depressing. Seriously. I'm huge. I know I can't let this get to me. I have to keep going.

I expressed my discouragement to my mom an she tried so hard to build me up. She even played the dad card on me (gets me every time) but I still went to bed discouraged.

I woke up this morning to 85 degree temps and 100% humidity. So I had to find some light weight clothes. I picked a pair of thin black pants I have. I've had them on 3 hours. They are waaaaaaaayyyy to big.

Thank you God for the boost of encouragement. I needed it. Oh how I needed it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

100 Day Challenge

Crossfit Pearland offered its firt 100 day challenge : 50 squats per day.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Ohhhhhh Tabata

That just sucked. It was the never ending workout.

Tabata is 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest-8 rounds. Sounds easy. Really, it does. It is brutal. Absolutely brutal.

So our workout was 20 minutes which is long for Crossfit. I really think it was worse than Helen!!!

Box Jumps


However, it was cold here yesterday. I bought a fleece vest about 3 months ago since you really don't need a full jacket here. It used to zip tight around my big belly. Yesterday? Didn't even touch it! So as bad as Tabata sucked, I'll keep doing it for feelings like that!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Helen, I whooped your butt!

Y'all I can't even tell y'all how stoked I am!!

We did Helen again. Last time, my first time, was most people's second time. They had improved by 1:30-2:00 on most accounts.

So tonight, when I knew we were doing Helen, I set my sights at 17:00. Last time was 19:38 for me. I knew I'd have to bust it to make it in that time.

The workout:
400 m run
21 kettle bell swings
12 pull ups

My time........

Wait for it......

Wait for it......


Did you read that?! I improved by 4 minutes and 16 seconds.

In other words, I kicked Helen's butt!

I'm on cloud 9. Ecstatic. Through the roof. Could. It be more proud of myself. Seriously. I rocked it tonight.

Friday, January 6, 2012

I did a HERO

Tonight's workout was a HERO WOD. A HERO is when advanced crossfitters do their WOD. It's intense and the most hardcore.

It was running (which I hate but want to get better at) but I did it and my goal was not to come in last....

Goal made!

Finished in 24:12.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year New You!!

Cheesy, I know. And Crossfit is no different. So in order to handle the influx of new people we are doing 'baseline' workouts.

Tuesday was the Fit Test. They made me do this my first night and I barely made it through six rounds. In five short weeks I improved to TEN rounds. I was elated. I don't think I wiped the smile off my face until I woke up the next day.

I have taken before pictures twice and I see a huge difference in my face and shoulder area. Just the encouragement I need.....

Oh this feels good.