Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I decided to not be so worried about eating Paleo while we are home. I knew my momma would be cooking up some of her yummy goodness and so I decided to make sure I work out everyday to counter it.

I did a 12 minute Amrap....
10 pushups
15 situps
20m walking lunges

I got 6 plus 7 rounds. Not to shabby.

It's cold here and the cold air filling my
Lungs felt good. I'm used to humidity filling them, but the cold air felt food.

Oh and the bonus? Mom said she can totally tell I've lost weight and inches. Just the boost I've been needing and the motivation to not blow everything I've worked the last 3 weeks for while we are home.....

1 comment:

  1. Go you! It's SO hard over the holidays! Keep it up. Remember that you want to do this FOR LIFE -- and the holidays are just a few days. Work out, take a TASTE -- and ENJOY -- but don't go overboard -- and try to put it down. Still so proud of you.
